If you are worried about your next trip, don’t call it off because of your finances. According to Harvard Business Review, vacations allow you to recharge and return home with renewed focus. You do not have to travel extensively, but you can travel within budget. Johnnie Walker RV exemplifies how one can unplug from life without breaking the bank.
1. Make it Budget Friendly
Before you pick your destination or make family plans, determine a budget. Ensure that you find an option that your family is comfortable spending, while allowing plenty of room to have a good time.
Of course, we believe that one of the most budget-friendly ways to get away is to go RVing or camping. Instead of sharing a hotel room, share an RV with a fridge full of your own snacks! If you have the right travel or camping gear, the only expenses to consider would be gas to get you there and the costs associated with stocking up your RV or securing a camping site. With an RV you also give yourself a re-usable vacation that you can enjoy all year long.
2. Pack Right To Avoid Overspending
If you forget to pack the necessities, you will be spending more money than necessary on your trip. Before you pack, create a checklist of everything that you need. Check the weather at your destination to ensure you pack appropriate clothes for the journey. If you like to layer your clothes or the weather is likely to change, pack extra layers. You do not need to bring a lot for a weekend trip, but make sure you have enough, so you stay within budget.
One of the biggest culprits for overspending on vacation is the food. You can avoid the high cost of eating out by packing meals to take with you. Leading up to your weekend getaway, make a list of recipes that will hold up during the trip, especially if your RV has an indoor or outdoor kitchen. Make enough food that eating out becomes a treat rather than a necessity. Hotel rooms require you to eat out for every meal, whereas camping you can prepare and enjoy your food, your way!
3. Plan Your Activities in Advance
Determine what you want to do before you leave. RVing doesn’t always have to be out remotely camping in nature. In fact, many RVers enjoy city camping as well! If you love the arts, seek out museums. If you’re going to see a sports game, look for the arenas. Two popular destination cities are Los Angeles, the ‘city of angels,’ and San Diego. While an incredibly different city, Los Angeles has a plethora of activities and sights to explore. Tour museums, see the Hollywood Walk of Fame, sight-see the Santa Monica Pier, and more. Or, if you’re a baseball fan, you can get tickets and grab a Dodgers game. If you know what you want to do in advance, you can spend your time following an itinerary rather than risking an impulsive shopping trip. San Diego offers it’s own wonders, including several camping options right on the water!
Do It in an RV
Traveling does not have to break the bank. If you create a budget and plan ahead, you can rest, recharge and return home feeling good about your financial health and your vacation. Whether your oasis is the mountains, the beach, or breezy beach air, an RV can take you there! RV camping is intended for even the frugal and financially conscious. RVing can take you anywhere across the nation while cutting costs one would otherwise spend on hotels, airfare, food, and more. What’s stopping you? Don’t just do it… Do it in an RV!