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Post 031: Making The Most Out Of Exercising Outdoors

Ah, the great outdoors – there’s something invigorating about feeling the sun on your face, the wind in your hair, and the earth beneath your feet.

But did you know that exercising outdoors offers benefits that go beyond just the scenic views?

From boosting mental well-being to providing varied terrains for a challenging workout, nature truly is the ultimate gym.

With an RV and a bit of equipment, the world is your (fitness) oyster!

Outdoor Activities to Try on Your RV Trip

So, you’ve parked your RV in a picturesque spot, and you’re raring to get moving. But where to start? The beauty of the great outdoors is that it offers a plethora of exercise options, each with its own set of challenges and rewards.

Here are some top picks to get your heart rate up:

1. Cardio: Running, Hiking, or Cycling in Nature

Ever tried jogging along a beach at sunrise or cycling through a canopy of autumn leaves? The varied terrains challenge your muscles differently than the flat treadmill at the gym.

Plus, the views – absolutely unbeatable!

2. Strength Training: Using Natural Elements

Who needs weights when you’ve got logs and rocks? Try doing push-ups with your legs on a boulder or lunges with a log on your shoulders. It’s not just effective – it’s also fun!

3. Water Workouts: If Near a Lake or River

Swimming is an excellent full-body workout. If you’re parked near a lake or river, take a dip or try water aerobics or paddleboarding.

Nutrition On The Go: The Role of Supplements

We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” But when you’re on an RV adventure, balancing exercise with proper nutrition can be a tad tricky, especially after a workout.

The Importance of Refuelling After an Outdoor Workout

Just as a Motorhome needs fuel to keep going, your body requires nutrients to repair muscles, replenish energy stores, and keep you feeling sparkly for the next adventure.

Green Powders – Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse

Imagine packing the best bits of multiple vegetables and fruits into a single scoop – that’s green powders for you. They’re not just convenient; they’re brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Perfect for the active RV enthusiast who doesn’t want to compromise on nutrition.

With a myriad of options out there, how do you choose? Here’s a list of the best green powders to check. If you’re looking for a post-workout shake or an energy boost, there’s something for every health-conscious traveler.

Tips for Safe Outdoor Workouts

Embarking on an outdoor fitness journey is exhilarating, but as with all adventures, it comes with its set of challenges. The unpredictable elements, the unfamiliar terrains – they add to the thrill but also demand caution. So, how do you ensure you’re getting the best workout experience while staying safe?

Here are some golden rules to swear by:

Stay Hydrated

Ever noticed how a car engine heats up after a long drive? Similarly, our bodies lose fluids during workouts, especially under the sun. Keep a reusable water bottle handy and sip regularly.

Wear Appropriate Gear

Just as you wouldn’t wear flip-flops for a hike, it’s essential to dress according to the activity. Invest in moisture-wicking clothes for those sweaty sessions and sturdy shoes that grip well. And hey, don’t forget the sunscreen and a hat!

Be Mindful of the Environment & Local Wildlife

While spotting a deer during your morning run can be magical, it’s essential to remember that you’re in their home. Always maintain a respectful distance from wildlife and be aware of any potential hazards.


Embarking on an RV journey offers a unique blend of travel and fitness, allowing you to explore nature’s gym at its finest. From the thrill of outdoor workouts to the convenience of on-the-go nutrition, the road truly becomes a pathway to well-being.

So, as you gear up for your next adventure, remember these tips to ensure you’re not just moving but truly thriving. Safe travels and happy workouts!
Johnnie Walker RV is your number one RV dealer in Southern Nevada who will be around to take care of you for years to come. Contact us today for more info!

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