How to Take a Vacation That Follows Social Distancing Recommendations
With social distancing recommendations in place, you’ve probably had to cancel some travel plans. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t take a vacation — it simply means you need to take a different approach! Instead of going to a crowded tourist destination, why not take a trip to a secluded natural area? Below, Johnnie Walker RV presents what you need to know about planning the ideal social distancing adventure.

Where to Take a Trip
While a far away national park might seem like the perfect destination, it’s not necessarily your best option. This is because some parks have closed their facilities, or are closed altogether. Not only that, national parks are extremely popular despite the pandemic, which means it may be almost impossible to stay socially-distant when visiting one.
Because the point of social distancing is to limit your contact with others as much as possible, it could be better to pick a destination that’s closer to home. Smaller parks are less overrun with visitors, and by traveling a short distance, you also limit the frequency needed to stop for gas, snacks, and other things along the way.
Another consideration on where to go camp is whether or not you’ll need some sort of access to the internet. While some go camping to completely disconnect, others such as small business owners, may need to be accessible to employees during their getaway, thus having access to WiFi or a wireless network is essential. The ability to create a ‘mobile hotspot’ through most wireless carriers can be handy for this. While you may want to get-away and relax — you’re on vacation, after all — being available in the event of an emergency will give you peace of mind. So, you may want to avoid going too far off the beaten path.
There are many search engines for finding local campgrounds and parks. You can also use your state’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) website to find up-to-date information. Keep in mind that local parks may be closed as well, but it depends on your state’s rules. Before making concrete plans, it’s a good idea to consider calling ahead.
Types of Socially Distant Adventures
Finding a natural area to visit that’s actually open can be the hard part. Once you’ve figured out your destination, you can start planning out your activities. Luckily, many outdoor activities already allow you to practice social distancing without even trying, such as hiking, biking, boating, or simply camping out in an RV while you cook food over a fire.
It’s easy to research hiking trails online to plan out your activities for the day. Finding less-traveled trails might be tough, but there are still ways to find more secluded paths to walk on.
If you want to try biking, there are numerous rail-to-trail destinations to pedal. These trails are converted from unused railroad tracks, making them straight, smooth and perfect for beginners. However, their ease of navigation can also make them more popular destinations. As an alternative, you might try a mountain biking trail instead, provided you have the right equipment.
You can also socially distance from people by canoeing, kayaking, or power boating. You can find deveral secluded lakes, by researching online. It helps to do some research into the popular spots in your area, and to read reviews.
How to Start Camping
Whether you want to bike, paddle, or hike, you’ll get more out of your trip by staying overnight in the area. The best way to do this is by camping, of course!
If you’re new to the idea of camping, it can take some getting used to. For those who consider themselves less outdoorsy, an RV will definitely make the trip more enjoyable with many of the comforts of home.
There are countless types of RVs to choose from, and each type comes with its own benefits. For example, you can go back to the good old days by investing in a cute vintage camper. Or you could get a small travel trailer to keep things compact and minimalistic. For those who want to go all in, fifth wheels, toy-haulers and motorhomes can provide great comfort for the whole family. When you’re ready to buy, or you need to talk to an RV specialist, one of the team members at Johnnie Walker RV will be happy to help.
You’ll want to have some basic outdoor gear to cook, keep bugs off, stay warm, and protect yourself. For example, having a good LED lantern with a long battery life is essential for walking around safely at night. The Streamlight Siege Lantern or Vont LED Camping Lantern are great options.
While it’s disappointing to cancel a trip you may have planned, there are so many opportunities to take an outdoor vacation. Even if you’re a novice, it’s a rewarding experience to immerse yourself in nature!